Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Shall now be called Coka the Beast

Everyone says that it's inevitable that you get sick after about a month, between the lack of sleep, and the close shared quarters of other people. I know its only been 3 weeks but I think I'm hitting that point. I wasn't feeling the absolute best yesterday, and when I woke up this morning I had a nasty cough. It really isn't that bad, but I'm going to find some vitamin c to try to give me a boost.
I also feel like it's time that some lovely family members of mine receive a care package. I have some stuff I'm lugging around that is really just weighing me down, and I was going to send it home, but I figured if I do that I might as well add a few English treats in there.
I know I complain about the coffee here, since there doesn't seem to even be such a thing as fresh ground coffee, but the breakfast tea is amazing. It's nothin like what you can get in that states, so be expecting some real English tea, and maybe some biscuits to accompany them. Also I may or may not include some Vegemite in honor of all the Australians I've been meeting, I met another 4 last night. We played pool and talked and of course I was asked about Obama and my opinions of him, I've realized everyone thinks that he is amazing over here, and when i say otherwise they are shocked and don't understand and I have yet to quite understand it completely. 
I've learned a lot about the Aussies, and it's really interesting to hear about their nonsense. Apparently they call catsup either Dead Horse or tomato sauce. They also have a kids treat called ferry bread, which is white bread with butter and hundreds of thousands (also known as sprinkles). They never pronounce R's at the end of a word, so my name becomes Coka, and tartare sauce is pronounced tar tare.
The most confusing thing that has happened to me while being over here happened last night though. I walked into my room to go to bed and I thought my bed had disappeared. It turns out that my bed and all of my belongings had just been moved into a little cubby in the room, taking me about 30 minutes to find my bed and my pajamas. Of course the hardest part about staying in hostels is it feels like form life, everyone's on different schedules so you have those that go to bed early and you have to work in the dark and try not to disturb them. You also have those that sleep in, and you have to stay quite in the morning as well. It also works out that the ones that come in later than you always wake you, they just manage to do so no matter what, and the ones that wake up earlier than you also disturb you. It's just a constant trying to tiptoe, and wishing everyone else did they same when they don't. 
My train was delayed this morning so after waiting around the train station for well over an hour, all my connecting trains I had missed as well. I had to talk to multiple people and after a lot of switching trains and running around before I ended up in Brighton. I had to take a train to central London to connect with a train that took me to Brighton, it was huge with three seats on one side and two on the other, and it was the emptiest train I've ever been on. Going into London seemed scary but wasn't that bad, so I'm reconsidering the skip I did with London, but maybe I'll take a day trip from Brighton. I really do think i would enjoy London more if i was with someone and not by myself, but i also may be surprised. Once I was in Brighton, I realized my hostel is located in Hove, a good 45 minute walk (with a backpack) I decided to jump on one more train since it was only £2 for about a 3 minute train ride and find the hostel. The hostel is only a block off of the beach (pebble beaches, but not bad, I've never seen pebble beaches before). The food here still weirds me out. I had lasagna last night that wasn't anything very similar to what we consider lasagna, it felt like it was made with more of a gravy than tomato sauce. I figure Brighton might be better, being a coastal town, it might have some delicious sea food but I don't plan on getting my hopes up. Sticking with ham sandwiches, at least I know what I'm eating, and it's healthier than a lot of the pub food you'll find around here. I still haven't tried bangers and mash, but that is because I really don't care for sausage so much and I don't want a meal that consists of sausage and mashed potatoes with some gravy. I plan on getting some before I leave, but I might save it for a meal when I'm not starving. 
Even going into London by train, there is literally nothing between stops until you get to the main part of the city. You get a few houses and cows but mostly fields and trees. It's such a small country that I would think there wouldn't be so much country side, but even these big cities seem to be somewhat small, all walkable. Since it was a clear sunny day, it got up into the 70's and I couldn't help but laugh that all the signs kept reminding people to drink water and stay hydrated in the heat. The funny thing is, it was a gorgeous day, until i got to Brighton, then it suddenly turned cloudy and cold. I also feel like Sundays mean that they do not check the tickets. I hadn't had anyone check my tickets all day long, which made it easier to explain why I was on the wrong train. Just because of that delayed train, it made my day a lot more stressful with a lot of running, a lot of waiting and a lot of confusion. In in station I got off on platform 1 and had 1 minute before my train left on platform 13 I was running through the station, and I literally jumped on the train as the doors were closing, I sat down ten realized I had no idea if I was even on the right train. It didn't help that it was scrolling Wimbledon across the screen, but it was in fact for Brighton.

I know this blog is unorganized and all over the place, that's how my brain feels right now at the moment at least, but I plan on just getting some rest and checking Brighton out tomorrow. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Awkward children

Last night my friend and I went out to find all the old English pubs that have been in Oxford for years. We found the pub eagle and child where c.s. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien used to meet to write and talk about the books they were working on. There was also a pub that had ties in cases plastered all over the walls and ceilings, with a picture of Bill clinton sotting at one of the tables. These pubs were quite and quint many of them with little fireplaces and a great atmosphere, so much better than any bar or club I've ever been to. 

After we decided to head back, we realized we were hungry, so we found a kebab truck. Josh ordered a chicken kebab (he said it was nothing like what he was used to) and I just order a regular amount of fries. The kebab was spicy and I ended up eating most of it enjoying the first real spicy food I have found since being here. When I ordered my fries though, it said £2 on the menu but the guy working the truck only charged me £1 and I'm still unsure if it was my charming looks or my lack of knowledge of the currency, and trying to pay in coins.
I'm sad I'm leaving on Sunday now because Josh, my new Aussie friend invited me to go to church with him here in Oxford. Since he's applying for his phd he's been checking out churches and bible studies in the area.
This morning Josh made me try Vegemite for the first time, and though it wasn't discussing, it wasn't good either, and I just ate a little bit of it. I would choose Nutella over Vegemite any day, but I can officially say I've tried it.
Today we went to the history museum and found shrunken heads which was interesting, and I'm still unsure about what I saw and how I feel about it. There was lots of interesting things in the museum but I'm not one for museums. 
I also tried punting for the first time, it was really fun, and our guide knew a lot about the history. The only awkward part was that there were tons of kids sitting in one of the parks we passed by chanting kiss, and when we didn't kiss, they started chanting friendzoned. It was a really neat experience all together and I'm glad I did it.
The architecture of the buildings here are just amazing. I enjoy just wondering around this city because there is so much to see and do, but it is small and compact and it has more of a small town feel. I love it here but I'm getting excited to move on to Brighton.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Shires are all Lies and Deceit

Oxford has been great, and just like with York, I find myself wanting to stay, and I am. I've met even more Aussies here, and run into the Aussies from York as well. I'm staying in a hostel right on the river Thames, and walking distance to the city center. I even found a huge park, just outside of the city center, with massive fields and horses. it was the most breath taking thing to find just by talking 10 minutes outside of the city center. there are rivers that twist and turn and split and flow all over the town, with more by the park and these fields. they even have punting, or what i think to be a gondola.
I went out and saw some of oxford college which in itself is breath taking and incredibly old and majestic. if i couldn't stay in York, Oxford would definitely do. There are plenty historic buildings with cobblestone streets and bookstores, museums and art galleries galore. 
I met a guy from England, Worcester, who was biking from England back to Worcester since had a week off from work. He explained to me what the shire on the end off all the English towns meant. Anything with a shire on it is a county, which includes multiple towns. The county town is the one that is in the name. So if someone says they are from oxfordshire, they are just saying a general area. If they say they are from Oxford, oxfordshire they are saying they are from the town Oxford in the county oxfordshire. If they just say they are from oxfordshire they could be from bisbon, it just depends.
I ran back into Nigel and Brad from York, and they introduced me to some amazing cookies, as well as meat pies. I've learned that Aussies don't mess around with meat pies, and it is a serious offense if it isn't done correctly. 
My new friend Josh who is an Aussies is here applying to do his PHD at Oxford, and he took me to try a deep fried mars bar (like a Milky Way) at a fish and chip shop. It was the most fattening awful but delicious thing I've ever eaten, and very similar to a deep fried snickers bar.

Nigel and I also tried out a gaming lounge, where we paired £3 to play portal together on the PC and it made me miss being home, playing games with Jonathan.
I also met a guy from Austria, finishing his PHD in Law, and about to become a judge in Austria. He's currently living in Cardiff, but come the end of the month, he goes back to Austria. I also met a guy from England that is a teacher, and is fluent in 7 languages, and he came to oxford to teach, he's just in the hostel while looking for a place to live. While being in Oxford,  I've met plenty of prestigious people, and its making me nervous about finishing my degree and deciding what the next step in my career is going to be for me. 
I can't even begin to tell you everything about Oxford, but it has been a great week of my life that I've spent here, and this is another place I would come back in a heartbeat. While being in Oxford I've also realized that English people don't eat cheese on their sandwiches unless its a cheese sandwich, count that as something else I'm starting to miss. When I get home, I want big enchilada, or a nice hearty blburrito with lots of chile. I miss my normal diet with delicious food.
I've got lots of homework I have to do this weekend, mostly for the english class, but it shouldn't be too bad now since I have found the most perfect park. I'm starting to hit that mark, where I'm homesick, and missing my bed, and washing machine. I'm having to do some laundry tonight, the hostel has a wash and drier, but its just not that same as having your own. I miss my dogs too, I love traveling, and I wouldn't cut this trip short for anything, but it gets hard, I'm about at my 3 week mark, and its starting to become a lifestyle and no longer a vacation. I don't know how people do it for a whole year. If I was given the opportunity, I would do it for a year as well, but I can't imagine how hard a few months might get. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Stereotypical French people

So I really liked the hostel I was in, the common room was nice, and even though no one spoke English the Spanish people were nice and they tried talking to me and I tried talking to them. Turns out the Spanish people don't like the French either, they are to rude to them as well. It makes me afraid to go to France, because if they're all like this I'm not going to have a fun time. The people in my room though pretty much made my life suck. I got a total of 4 hours of sleep this weekend, and not to mention I feel like the French had something against me. I tried talking to them, in Spanish and English and they would either just stare at me or ignore me all together. Last night when I got in the shower they were also turning the light and water switch off and on to the bathroom I was using (the switches are on the outside of the door). I'm not really sure how they're still alive either, I thought I didn't get any sleep, but it was because they weren't sleeping either. They don't go to bed until 4am, every single night. I thought they had work at 7 this morning. But none of them got up and left. When I packed up and left at 10am this morning I was still the only one awake.
 When I left this morning it was raining once again. I originally planned on walking the entire way down to the train station and maybe stopping to get some coffee just to waste time and enjoy my morning since my train left at noon. That obviously didn't happen since I didn't want to get soaked, or soak everything I am carrying. So I decided to take the free bus that takes you from the north end of town to the south end where the train station is. When walking into the bus station right by the hostel I realized it was attached to Victoria shopping center, the huge mall with a tesco and some sort of market within in. After I realized this I shrugged and got on the bus that took me to broadsmarth bus station at the south end of town. When I got off since I had time I started wondering, and I realized it was also attached to the broadsmarth shopping center. Which is basically a more ghetto version of the Victoria shopping center. In between these two shopping centers is market square, where all the nice, high end shops are located and one of the biggest best preserved market squares in Europe exists.  What smaller town has two bus stations both attached to malls with a huge shopping/market area in between the two? The whole concept is crazy to me, but literally everything you need is right there.
Since it was still raining when i got to the train station, i figured it was no big deal, especially since the train station is covered. When I looked at the board to find my train, i decided to start looking for times and not destinations, since my destination was not the final one, its much easier. I found the time my train leaves, and I found the platform and i headed off in that direction. Of course, my luck my platform is the only one in the station that isn't covered. There is construction going on in this station, and yup, it was right by my platform. So sitting in the rain waiting for a train I still wasn't sure was mine wasn't the most fun thing I've ever done, but I had a latte so I was as happy as I could get. 
My hair here doesn't like to cooperate, I'm not sure if its the weather, since my hair is now always wet, or if it's because I'm using different shampoo, or if it's the awkward length. Im getting to the point where I'm looking for scissors to try and make it more bearable. I still feel like a hobo, just with cute accessories now. 
My feet are almost healed from Edinburgh, they don't hurt anymore and there are just scabs and loose skin from blisters. They are almost back to normal, and I can walk without a limp again. My problem now is my hip, and my leg, of course both on the left side. My hip has been hurting since the log plane ride, I think since I didn't get up the entire time, and I didn't move around much it hurt pretty badly. I thought it would stop hurting eventually, but with all the walking the pain is still there. My leg, only when I've been walking all day does it hurt, but where I had the surgery, it still makes it hard to walk after the excessive walking. I might as well be a war vet at this point. 
I'm really enjoying my English class too, I read beauty and the beast, which contained multiple stories, and the history of how the original story originated and transformed. It's a nice way to pass time with a purpose. 
People around here like to make a point to talk to me because of my accent as well. It's kind of nice, because weather I'm in a store or on a train, at least one person strokes up a conversation. Every single time this has happened though, it has been a young guy. Today while sitting on the train from derby to Birmingham, I was next to a young guy, once everyone got off in Birmingham the train had more seats available to I moved to the seat across from him and said "just to give you more room" and from there he started questioning me, where I'm from, what it's like, how I like England and everything else. He's from London but is traveling for business, and he told me, London is a must, and to try not to take the tube, but walk because there is so much to see. In Nottingham it happened with every server, or cashier I had. I bought some nail polish and ended up having a 30 minute conversation with a guy who had just gotten back from Miami, but loves America and wants to move there. It's really interesting and the people are quite nice, but I also feel that it only happens that way because I am different, because at home, I'm not as interesting to the people around there. 
Oxford is really nice, as well as the hostel I'm in. It has strict rules but that's a good thing. I think I'm going to like it here. Here is picture coming out of the train station.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away

I'm looking and smelling better today. I woke up this morning after a very long night last night, just ready to get out and have some alone time with a latte and a book. There was very little sleep involved last night between the french going out, and alarms and phone calls this morning. I learned today that these french people are students here, I knew they were living here but it makes more sense why they never sleep. Ive also heard the french are rude, i though it was just a stereotype, but its proving to be more true than I ever thought it would be.
So for breakfast I went out looking for food,but I guess on a rainy Sunday morning not much is open. I went to this popular place called Greg's and asked for a breakfast sandwich, the guy asked me what kind and I said bacon, he then asked what sauces I wanted on it. I didn't know what he meant by sauces, you put sauces on breakfast sandwiches? And he said yeah ketchup is good, and while I declined, I secretly want to know who is eating their bacon sandwiches with ketchup. I got my breakfast sandwich and took a bite, and it didn't taste like what I was expecting so I looked at what I was eating. Turns out a bacon breakfast sandwich is ham on a roll with nothing else. It wasn't bad, just not what I though, also explained why it was only £2 for that and a medium latte. I have also gotten to the point where I don't drink my hot beverages with sugar. It's looked at as inferior here, and a lot of the time it's not even an option, so I'm learning to enjoy caramel lattes with no sugar, and its actually pretty good. 
After my breakfast and reading for school, I went out looking through stores, I got some toothpaste, some earrings, a scarf, a few more long sleeve t-shirts, and some perfume. I feel like I am looking and smelling better than I have since I got here, and I feel much better today. I also picked up my train tickets for tomorrow since I was on that side of town, and this is actually the first thing you see when you come out of the train station.
While browsing around I also thought I would share about the book stores, they all seem so small and strange, books lining the walls with toys and snacks in the middle, and I have yet to find a book store much bigger than this. It's so different that what I'm used to, if I was looking for something particular, I don't think I would find it.
For lunch I tried a chain restaurant called chopsticks, it's a noodle bar, according to their sign. I went in and what did I find? Curry, and lots of it. There was only one choice of noodles, and it was the base while you put the curry on top. Since I'm not a fan of curry, but I wanted the noodles (which turned out to not taste like I wanted) I ordered just noodles. I was a little disappointed, but I grabbed a baguette from the store, and stuck it in the fridge so I would have dinner tonight without having to go back out into the rain. 
I'm off to Oxford in the morning and I can't wait. Maybe I can get some sun and sleep while there.

-Kenzie xxoo

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nottingham has no Robbin Hood

I don't mind this place so much, and there are a few hidden gems here, as well as I don't mind the fact that I am basically the only tourist in this town. While I don't plan on ever coming back here I'm glad I came just so I could say I've been to Nottingham. I'm starting to think the midlands aren't for me though, I feel that they are more industrialized and they don't hold the same old British charm that the other towns I've been to have. York was literally what I imagined an old English town to be like, and it was amazingly perfect.
Last night I went to bed, but I had French people talking with the lights on well past 2 am, and when I said something none of them knew what's was saying, so it really didn't help. The beds are memory foam so they are comfy, but the frames are old and wobbly, and I'm happy I have a top bunk. This hostel is a redone house from the 1800's and the stairs are original meaning they are steep and I feel like I'm going to fall down with every step.
This morning I decided to try out a popular UK coffee shop, Costa's. I had a caramel latte and a chocolate croissant.
I also realized that the people in England share my pain when it comes to pale skin, and finding sunscreen isn't hard here, it's literally on two whole isles with so many selections, I wouldn't know where to begin.
Since it rained all day, and I found myself in the middle of it more than once, I've retired to sitting inside doing homework, so today I got caught up on upcoming school work, and I'm prepared to take a test as well as hand in a paper come Monday.
I also booked a place in Oxford as my next step and I'm thinking I'll do London next before I do Hastings, Brighton, Bath, Cardiff, Dublin and back to Belfast. I already am finding myself wishing I had more time, but I also a starting to miss my bed as well as my dogs.
 I don't think I've ever been so independent or met so many people and it really has changed the way I feel not only about being alone, but about not caring what others think. I've realized I could easily get used to this way of life, and it makes me want to just take off every spare moment I have to travel, see new things, and meet new people. Though my time here has not been the most exciting, it has been pleasant, and everyone is so nice. Maybe tonight I will sleep better and tomorrow will be sunny.

-Kenzie xxoo

Friday, June 21, 2013

My kisses are cruelty free

I don't know if its the gloomy weather, or if its because I left York but I'm feeling sad today. I made some really good friends, the hostel was lovely and the town was a perfect English town. York is defiantly going to be one of those places I will never forget, and I plan to go back, as soon as possible, but I knew it was time to move on, because I still have other places I need to see. This picture here was late last night when Nigel and I were hanging out in the common room.

Yesterday I went out browsing shops and bakeries. I wondered into this store named Lush, which I had heard about a few years ago, but had never been near a store, especially since it is a British company. All of their products are handmade, chemical free, made with natural ingredients, and cruelty free. All of their products were amazing, i got to look around and try them out, and not to mention when I walked in I was treated like a queen. I was asked if I needed help, and when I said I had never been to a lush before, they all instantly wanted to show me everything, and I ended up in the store for hours just talking to these people while I felt like I was being pampered. Lets just say I wanted to spend a lot more than I did. For dinner I had my first traditional style Cornish meat pie, and it wasn't too bad, but my issue with it was that I really had no idea what I was eating. It tasted like steak, onions, potatoes and steak gravy all in a pastry. Last night was quiet and nice. 
This morning I woke up and headed out for Nottingham, after some confusion about my train, I'm never going to get train stations down, that's just fact. When I got to Nottingham I was so confused and lost. I found a free bus though that took me almost to the door step of my hostel, and when I walked in I was early so I stored my bag, and left to find food. I just walked across the street to a local pub, and since I have yet to eat in a pub, or really spend much time there I think the bartender thought I was a little bit special. I walked in asking for a menu, which was on the tables, but in my defense hidden. I looked though it and narrowed it down to fish and chips or bangers and mashers, but since I'm not a fan of sausage, I did the fish and chips. I was given a huge hot plate with beer battered fried fish (so yummy but so greasy) and fat fries, as well as tartar sauce, and mushy peas, which I can't say I cared for. There is always at least one thing on my plate that I don't know what I'm eating, and that happened to be the mushy peas.

When I went up to order my fish and chips though the bar tender asked if I wanted a drink, of course I did, but I didn't know what, so I asked for suggestions, he pulled out three bottles that I had no idea what they were, I still can't tell you other than juice and fermented leaves which came from Wikipedia. I had to ask for ice, since I like my drinks colder than they normally come, and I ate my mystery mushy peas and drink. The bartender than went on to ask me where I was from and I had a nice conversation with him, even though I felt like I looked like a lost confused tourist to him. Afterwards I went and browsed Victoria shopping center, which was like a mall, but had a tesco metro in it as well as some sort of flea market. I walked that a bit and then went to lush again. My new obsession. I went in looking for something I kicked myself for not getting yesterday, and I started talking to the employees. All of them are so kind and nice, I'm a huge fan of the company. After I talked to the for a bit I got what I came for and when I was checking out the guy handed me some jelly soap. He told me it was on him and after he insisted I take it I said "guys always try to buy me drinks in pubs, but I much prefer soap" and he laughed and said he would remember that. The kindness of the people over here really amazes me, but the funniest thing is that no matter what or where I am, when talking to someone the weather comes up, not as small talk, but because when the sun is shining, it's an exciting event, and when it's not, they wish the sun was shining. The hostel here is nice, not like the fort in York which was amazing, but its much better than the one in Edinburgh. 
I've realized all British people ask "are you alright" and I'm not sure if its a "do you need help" or "how are you" but I never know how to answer, and it literally gets asked almost ever 5 min. Another British saying that I found funny was "she had kittens". One of the ladies in lush was talking about how she planned a week in Thailand but she cancelled because her grandma had kittens over it. The Aussies also like to call anything with an Mc in front of it a Macca, which I thought was strange, and I was even called Macca once or twice.  The last weird thing I noted in the past couple of days is their standard of juice is a bottle of what looks like fabuloso that you mix with water. It was just sitting on the counter, and it looked like pure sugar. I'm really loving my time in England, though I prefer York to Nottingham, it's still a nice enough place. I plan to check out the castle and the caves tomorrow. As for now I'm just going to relax and enjoy my vacation.

-Kenzie xxoo

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Aussies, drinking songs, and birthdays

York has been amazing, and I'm so sad it's my last day here. The atmosphere of this town is great, and the hostel is fantastic. I've done a lot of just laying in parks by the water, and enjoying the culture in general. My first night here I went out to get some food, and as I was looking for the grocery store I walked past a group of 16 year old boys. One held up his hand for a high-five and I decided to give him one, but before our hands hit he moved his. I then said "that was rude" in a teasing manner, and they all realized I was from America. For the next 30 minutes I had to work to get away from them, I felt like I had monkeys clinging to me. Once I would get one off of me, another would try to get a hug, or kiss me. Apparently they hadn't met a lot of Americans before. 
That night in the hostel I had met three more Australians. They are literally everywhere, but they are so kind, and so much fun. It happened to be Nigel's birthday, so we all went out for quiet drinks. We figured we'd just have one drink and come home. We went to a quite pub and had just one drink, but while we were there we had heard about a cocktail bar just a couple doors down. We decided we would go check it out just to see what it was like, and when we got there, someone was checking id's at the door, which was the first and only time I've seen that over here. I was behind the 3 Australians so when I handed him my id, he got confused and asked what a Mexican girl was doing with Aussies. When we went into the cocktail bar all four of us really enjoyed the atmosphere. We got a jug of mohitos for £15 and each of us had 2 glasses out of the jug. Once the mohitos were gone, being the light weight that I am was already tipsy and I knew I needed to stop, but for the Aussies, who have more experience with drinking, decided that since we liked the place so much they would keep going. I even learned a drinking song, but it seemed more of a chant where you basically make someone finish their drink. One decided on Long Island ice teas after the mohitos were gone and from there the birthday shots came out. I can't tell you what was in them but there was tobasco involved. 2 more jugs of sex on the beach, and we decided to move on to the university night club. I had already stopped drinking after the mohitos but we were just dancing and enjoying the music and the college life. We came back and all wondered off to bed later than we had previously planned. The next morning I woke up at 7:30 on a search for coffee. Since I have yet to find fresh brewed coffee here, I settled on Starbucks. I then spent my day in the park, relaxing and getting to know the Aussies more. I did a walking tour which taught me some history and I got to see the university as well as York minister.
A lot of the cafe's here have the outside seating on the sidewalks like you see in the movies. The cafe next to my hostel also has that type of seating, and the three Aussies and I sat down to enjoy the 1/2 pice burger and chips for dinner which was delicious, and very much needed. It turned out the cheese burger was only £4 and came with coleslaw (which was disgusting and nothing like the coleslaw back home, I don't even know what was in it other than onions carrots and lots and lots of mayo) a salad, and french fries. After having a big night out the previous night we decided to come back and baked Nigel a cake. The rest of the night was spent with cake, chat and British television. I learned that the Aussies enjoy eating cake with cream. They put their cake in a bowl, and pour double cream on top (whipping cream I think?). British television is awful, and it reminds me of Mexican television, except in English.
This morning when I woke up, I just hung around the hostel and relaxed. I then went out to get lunch and found a delicious smelling deli/bakery, with tons of people inside. I decided to get a sandwich and a cookie for lunch and turns out you get the drink free, meaning I paid £3 for the meal. I ordered a savory cheese sandwich with a salad on it (why? I have no idea, it just sounded good at the time). I unwrapped it and took a bit and then looked at the sandwich and realized I had no idea what I was eating once again. If I had to guess it tasted like mayo and shredded cheddar cheese, but upon inspection I'm 99% sure I ate a pimento and cheese sandwich. I've decided to just get over it and realize that most of my meals here will be a mystery. 
Today I plan on going to a museum, either the sweet stop, which is where Nestlé originated, or maybe the castle museum. I was also invited to try out a British cinema and see man of steel, but I'm not big into superman, I guess we'll see what happens. I'm so so so sad I'm leaving York in the morning, this town has become a favorite, it wins out over all of the rest so far, including places in the US. It's a quite college town, where old English people come on holiday, or to do some shopping, but it's the perfect mix of everything. It has ponds and a beautiful river that runs through, it has a gorgeous cathedral, old walls that Romans built up, with a moat that surrounds it, one of the largest moats in Europe, as well as parks, cafe's and a nightlife if you go looking. If I were to live I'm England, this is defiantly where I would want to be. Tomorrow is Nottingham though, and who knows, I may love it just as much.

Until then,
-Kenzie xxoo

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

York and Prawn

I never thought I would be so glad to step off a train and hear English accents. My last morning in Edinburgh was not the best, or any better Than the other mornings I've spent in Edinburgh. It started with me packing up and getting hit on the head with a falling bar. I walked to the train station to get my ticket, and ended up buying a rail card which saves me almost 50% on train tickets. After spending almost a hour in the train station, I finally got my ticket and went looking for my train. After being told the train was at platform 10 leaving at 10 am went to catch it since I had less than 10 minutes. When I finally got to platform 10 (I took the long way around since I had no idea where I was going)I got there at 10 when the train was pulling up. I noticed the sign said to Glasgow though and I knew that couldn't be right since York is on the east coast. I asked the ticket man on the train and he told me that it should have its own train, so I went and looked at the massive boards all the way in the center (another long walk away) and saw it said platform 12. I swiped my ticket and walked to platform 12 where the board also said to Glasgow. One last time I found someone and asked and they radioed it in to find out where the train was pulling into, and it happened to be platform 2 on the other side of the station. I ran to platform 2, except I had to swipe to get out, and it wouldn't let me because it wasn't the correct destination, so I had to explain my confusion to someone that worked there so I could get out. When I get to platform 2 I found a train that went to London. Luckily one of the stops was York and I had made it on time. 
Pulling into York I was worried because all I saw were huge empty green fields, and no city. I got off the train and wondered through to find a sign that pointed towards the city center, not even 5 minutes later I found beautiful buildings, shopping centers and people. I walked across a river, and by a pond with ducks just floating by. I was instantly in love. I knew this place would treat me well. I found my hostel in the middle of the city with a cute little bistro off to the side. I walked in and everything was new and clean, and friendly. The beds are big with their own cubbies and reading lights as well as outlets by each bed. 
I went off to find lunch and found a cafe that had fresh made sandwiches. I chose a veggie sandwich that had roasted mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, and some kind of jam as well as hummus. It was really actually good. I had kept seeing chips that were flavored as prawn, as well as prawn sandwiches, and I didn't know what it was, so I googled it. It turns out, it's shrimp, and now I can't imagine why they would have shrimp flavored chips. 
After lunch I went to the museum where a local park was located directly below it. I laid out in the sunny weather and enjoyed my afternoon in a beautiful city. I once again saw something that made me curious though, I don't know what is considered normal here, but I saw some PDA that made me quite uncomfortable (a shirtless guy on top on a girl, I don't know what she was wearing because I looked away). The weird thing to me is, no one seemed to care, not even the couple. I sat down and put on some music and noticed the park had free wifi. I'm excited I get to spend my next 3 days here. 

Much love 
-Kenzie xxoo

Monday, June 17, 2013

Italian shoes and greasy food

Today was basically a mushed up mess for me. Edinburgh hasn't exactly given me a fair chance to love it. I feel that it can be an amazing city, I just have run into too many issues while being here, that are basically unrelated. I'm more than happy to be leaving in the morning, though I'm kind of sad because I feel Edinburgh has so much more to offer. 
Last night after the miserable day of getting lost and gaining massive blisters all over my feet, I decided to take it easy and just sleep, but about 8 pm I went down to the bar to try and get wifi, since that is the only place that has it, and very poorly I might add. I ran into my two Aussie roommates, who decided that the band in the bar downstairs was awful (they were) that they were going to go bar hopping or on a pub crawl. They invited me, and since I hadn't given Edinburgh a real chance I went. It was a Sunday night so most places were closed, and the ones that were open were pretty packed. We went to about 6 different bars/pubs, with me only drinking water (saves money, common sense and your liver). The best part of it all was I got to talk to these two Aussies and got to hear about where they were from. I learned a lot about cricket (which means I learned nothing, just that the Aussies hate England and want England to lose no matter the cost) we compared food, grocery stores, customs and general culture. They were lots of fun and it turned out to be a nice quite night out. Being with the two Aussies made it to where i got to see a bit of Edinburgh night life without feeling unsafe. Of course I felt pretty sketched out in Edinburgh, something about the whole place in general gives me the creeps, and I wouldn't dare go anywhere alone. I also feel the Scott's are much less friendly than the northern Irish, and the Irish. 
This morning I woke up, to realize the shower wasn't working and I was once again alone, with everyone heading off to their next destination. I went and booked a couple nights in York, England, and I'm going to get a train ticket in the morning. After I did that I went out looking for some shoes that would give me some sort of comfort and support. After figuring out the shoe sizes (yes confusing) and getting some socks, I changed shoes. The ones I chose are some nice black leather Italian made ones, with extra cushion. After I changed I headed off to Calton hill. About 4 steps in the direction I needed to go, I gained another blister. My poor feet will never be the same. Not only that, I'm pretty sure I look like a war vet limping down the roads in Edinburgh. So I turned around and got some handy dandy bandaids and padded my feet in them, and loosened the shoes a bit. It was bearable after that and no more blisters were being formed, but I still looked like a war vet walking off. So basically if I have the option of walking or sitting, it's going to be sitting.
After going through that mess, all basically in the same area of this shopping mall, I realized it was already 1pm. So I decided to get some fish and chips that literally everyone had on their plate. Of course after dealing with my feet and the blisters I wanted to wash my hands first. I stood in front of the bathroom pushing and pulling and pretty much looking like an idiot until an American came up to me and told me it takes 20 pence to get in. So I paid 20 pence to wash my hands, then got in line for my fish and chips. It was hot and oh so greasy but so good. It was the first hot meal I had over here that I really enjoyed. My only problem was that I couldn't find ketchup, all they had was salt and vinegar, so my chips, or French fries weren't as delicious and they could have been because they were bland. But the fish, oh my, with the vinegar, and the hot flakey crispy batter around it, it was better than any fish and chips I've ever gotten back in the states, not even comparable really. 
So 5 hours after I set off to find Calton hill I finally limped my way over. It was a steep climb, but after the fish and chips it was much needed, and when I got to the top it was well worth it. The view was incredible, and it's a free local park, I don't know why this isn't advertised much more. I spent a lot of my time just laying in the grass and enjoying the rest my feet needed. 
Later I broke a nail, it was bound to happen, and I had to find some nail clippers. I went in a drug store (not a pharmacy, apparently those are two different things here. This place had no medicine). I found what I was looking for but I also learned that what we call a French manicure is know as a Brit manicure over here. 
Much love from me to you,
-Kenzie xxoo

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Little Details, and Getting Lost

Excuse this blog, because things will literally be all over the place.

I had left a lot of little details out. I wondered into a Tesoro market in Belfast, which first off didn't even look like a market, since it was in a huge building that connected to every other building like they do in Belfast. The building literally blended in with everything else, and even after i found it once, i went back, and passed it a good 3 times before i found it again. Inside I felt like I was in a glorified gas station, yes it had more than a gas station, some raw meat and fresh veggies, but nothing over the top. I also realized after much browsing and investigation that nowhere in Belfast can you get coffee beans to brew fresh coffee. You can only make instant coffee, which makes me gladly stick to tea. I also noticed at Starbucks, the menu contains a special section labeled fresh brewed, like thisis something special. The ATMs, I don't understand one bit, they would randomly deny me, and I would try again to try and see the error message, and it would magically work after doing nothing different. The sinks in Belfast make no sense to me since they have two different faucets, one for hot and one for cold. When washing my face, I had to choose between super hot or super cold. 
The laws on public alcohol consumption must be lax as well. Not only did they serve alcohol on the ferry, but there were guys in the buss drinking, as well as in the train. Also since smoking indoors is no longer legal, people have to go outside, but since it's always raining, people that go out to smoke always come inside smelling like a soggy cigarette. 
My friend Cory from Australia also had me laughing my last night in Belfast. The first night I was in Belfast, I had thought his name was corny because he had said to other girls that his name was corny so I asked him "your name is corny as in that was really corny?" And he said yes while someone else told said it was shirt for Cornelius. I of course bought it, and didn't realize until he introduced himself last night to someone as Cory that I had been calling him the completely wrong name. 
I was definitely spoiled in Belfast, the hostel I'm staying at here has a common room, but its under construction, so if you want to hang out, it has to be in the bar underneath it. Also, the wifi is only available on the ground floor, which is where the bar is located. Lastly, I'm in a room with 5 other people, and were sharing one bathroom, so if you want to wash your face, brush your teeth, or anything you have to wait, where although there were only 5 showers and toilets and 4 sinks for everyone in the entire hostel, you were never having to wait. So I haven't met anyone here in Edinburgh, but I don't mind, it's giving me more time to spend alone. 
Today I woke up, and waited to shower and use the restroom for an hour. Once I finally got in and showed I went downstairs to find hot milk, the ends of 3 loafs of bread and unsweetened frosted flakes. I took a bite of the heal of the bread and decided to head out and find my own breakfast. 2 hours later, I was lost and on the edge of town, maybe 4 miles out of town. I eventually stopped for directions in a newspaper store, where a man that didn't speak much English pointed his finger, and I walked until I found a Starbucks. I went in to rest my feet and pull up a map. I was still a goo 1 1/2 miles out of town, but at lest I knew where I needed to go. Actually, that's where I'm at right now, I plan on going to see a castle and hang out in that old part of town, right close by my hostel. It's actually a sunny day and well see where it leads me. 

Kenzie- xxoo

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Brittish Army Men and Scottland

I woke up today with only a vast idea of what it would entail. The funny thing is I  have had some really good first impressions of what hostels and travel days would be like, so I'm afraid my standards have been set too high, but hopefully it will be like this my whole trip. Global village in Belfast was amazing, it makes me want to never stay in a hotel again. It was clean, comfy and everyone was so friendly. I woke up this morning knowing it was time to leave, and I was almost sad because I had enjoyed my stay so much.
I decided to take a ferry to Cairnryan, Scotland, and from there get a bus that takes me to a train station to get on a train that would land me in Edinburgh. Getting to the ferry was the hardest part, it was 6 miles out of town, and I wasn't about to walk it so I took a taxi. After I got the taxi it was simple from there. I walked in the port asked for a ticket and £30 later I had everything I needed. I was worried the ferry would make me sea sick or get boring, or that I would just run into so many problems I would have trouble today, but that didn't happen at all. The ferry was huge, like a cruise ship, and it had a spa, a movie theater, multiple bars, restaurants and even cabins. While waiting to board the ferry I ran into a group of young guys and started talking to them, we played a little guessing game, basically me guessing what a ton of athletic men were doing taking a ferry from Belfast to Scotland, to eventually end up in Canada. Between their accents and my confusion, I failed pretty miserably, going from hokey players to lumberjacks to firefighters. They were in the British army and had lots of travel ahead of them. When we boarded the ferry we went our separate ways, me going to the movie theater, which I found from wondering. About 15 minutes later B (who's name I can't pronounce, he's from the Caribbean, and told me to call him B) showed up and started talking to me. After maybe 30 minutes of sitting in the theater we left to find the rest of the guys.  We met back up and they kept me entertained the rest of the ferry ride. They taught me that the British do in fact like Americans, the phrase bagged (which I'm not sure I really get), to not talk to anyone at a bus station,that they may know the Filipino man  from the pub, and so so so much more. They told me Liverpool is a must, as well as Cornwall and Hastings but not Plymouth. York is pretty, and Newcastle is fun if you like to go out. They even offered to talk to their Sargent and get me a ride to Oxford, though I turned it down since I already had my ticket.
Arriving in Scotland my first impression was what I thought it would be, wet, rainy, cold and huge green rolling hills. It is gorgeous but so not worth the wet and cold, definitely a place to visit and not live. Getting on the bus and driving made me realize how small the roads really are here, they are barely more than what we consider one lane. When the bus got to the train station, I found out that something had happened and no trains were running from Ayr for the next two days, so I boarded another buss that took me to the next train station about 30 minutes away where I boarded a train heading for Glasgow. In Glasgow I got off and found my train for Edinburgh. It stopped 4 times before ending in Edinburgh, but it really wasn't long of a ride. It wasn't too much of a trip, especially considering how far it was. My hostel is located directly across from the train station, so it made it easy to find, or as easy as something in a huge city can be. 
I've learned to enjoy the travel days just as much as the days I spend in the cities. I actually have met tons of extremely nice, interesting people, as well as seen parts of the country side. I can't say I loved Scotland from the train window, but Edienburgh is lovely and I can see myself falling in love. Between meeting such great kind people, and having such ease of travels I'm wondering why I didn't take this trip much sooner. Needless to say, I'm in love with the UK and the people.  I promis ill add more detail when I have time, I'm in a coffee shop and on the run. 
Much love,
Kenzie xxoo

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Belfast Nightlife and New Friends

Belfast is literally nothing like anything I've ever seen before. It has this sense of small town charm, and it is small in these sense that I can walk the entire town with only few complaints. But it's too big to be small, if that makes sense, it's populated, and it has shops and busses everywhere. Traffic is a biggie for me, its hard to know when to walk, and cars do not stop for you. 

My first day here was mostly a tired confusion, but after taking a short walk, I came back and started talking to everyone staying here. It started innocently enough, just talking while playing pool, but as it got later, my friend from New Zealand convicted me to go buy some beer with him since its legal, and its something I haven't done before. Since I'm not a big beer fan, I found a pear ale made in Switzerland that was really good. A couple hours later and a beer gone everyone was outside singing and talking. By 11pm we headed out to a local pub where it was open mic night, and many things happened. It started off with Darragh, a (very skeptical) friend from Ireland who was already well into the night bought Yeager bombs and tried to force everyone to drink them, luckily New Zealand showed up and took mine, and I shared one with a friend from Canada. I proceeded to drink water the rest of the night despite people trying to buy me drinks. While in the pub though, I ran into some short Filipino man that was living in Britain who grabbed me and told me that he was going to marry me, thinking that I was Irish. When I told him I was American, I about never got away, not because he liked Americans, but apparently because he dislikes Obama, our economy, and everything about us. He continued to attack me verbally until New Zealand saw and came over to help, it was near impossible to get away but we eventually did. After  the pub closed around 1am we came back and just hung out until we eventually got tired. Here are some pictures of the town as well as my new friend Darragh.

Today has been similar with wondering around in the rain, hanging out and just relaxing. I had to buy a USB power adapter to get my phone to charge because the adaptor I had didn't work. I had a strange salad for lunch that instead of veggies mix in with the lettuce had beans, and a creamy dressing. 

I'm working on planning my next destination, and I'm thinking Dublin, but to be honest, I really don't know.  I think that's the most exciting part of this trip, it's spontaneous and unplanned and I'm just letting it take me where it may. 

Much love from me to you,
-Kenzie xxoo