Tuesday, June 18, 2013

York and Prawn

I never thought I would be so glad to step off a train and hear English accents. My last morning in Edinburgh was not the best, or any better Than the other mornings I've spent in Edinburgh. It started with me packing up and getting hit on the head with a falling bar. I walked to the train station to get my ticket, and ended up buying a rail card which saves me almost 50% on train tickets. After spending almost a hour in the train station, I finally got my ticket and went looking for my train. After being told the train was at platform 10 leaving at 10 am went to catch it since I had less than 10 minutes. When I finally got to platform 10 (I took the long way around since I had no idea where I was going)I got there at 10 when the train was pulling up. I noticed the sign said to Glasgow though and I knew that couldn't be right since York is on the east coast. I asked the ticket man on the train and he told me that it should have its own train, so I went and looked at the massive boards all the way in the center (another long walk away) and saw it said platform 12. I swiped my ticket and walked to platform 12 where the board also said to Glasgow. One last time I found someone and asked and they radioed it in to find out where the train was pulling into, and it happened to be platform 2 on the other side of the station. I ran to platform 2, except I had to swipe to get out, and it wouldn't let me because it wasn't the correct destination, so I had to explain my confusion to someone that worked there so I could get out. When I get to platform 2 I found a train that went to London. Luckily one of the stops was York and I had made it on time. 
Pulling into York I was worried because all I saw were huge empty green fields, and no city. I got off the train and wondered through to find a sign that pointed towards the city center, not even 5 minutes later I found beautiful buildings, shopping centers and people. I walked across a river, and by a pond with ducks just floating by. I was instantly in love. I knew this place would treat me well. I found my hostel in the middle of the city with a cute little bistro off to the side. I walked in and everything was new and clean, and friendly. The beds are big with their own cubbies and reading lights as well as outlets by each bed. 
I went off to find lunch and found a cafe that had fresh made sandwiches. I chose a veggie sandwich that had roasted mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, and some kind of jam as well as hummus. It was really actually good. I had kept seeing chips that were flavored as prawn, as well as prawn sandwiches, and I didn't know what it was, so I googled it. It turns out, it's shrimp, and now I can't imagine why they would have shrimp flavored chips. 
After lunch I went to the museum where a local park was located directly below it. I laid out in the sunny weather and enjoyed my afternoon in a beautiful city. I once again saw something that made me curious though, I don't know what is considered normal here, but I saw some PDA that made me quite uncomfortable (a shirtless guy on top on a girl, I don't know what she was wearing because I looked away). The weird thing to me is, no one seemed to care, not even the couple. I sat down and put on some music and noticed the park had free wifi. I'm excited I get to spend my next 3 days here. 

Much love 
-Kenzie xxoo

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