This morning I went to a tesco I passed coming in, it was massive compared to all the others, more what a real grocery store would look like. I went in to pick up some tea and biscuits for the family and some lunch for me. I was in there for a good hour just looking through the isles, and trying to make sense of what I saw. Because it was such a bigger store, there were so many more options that it made it difficult to choose, especially because I'm not sure what I'm picking up in the first place. An example would be that I finally settled on Yorkshire tea, which was a hard enough decision considering they had about 1000 different brands of just breakfast tea. When I decided to go for that brand I was then faced with the dilemma of do I go with original, medium or dark tea, once I chose original do I choose hard water or the original. My mind just about exploded looking at the tea, much less everything else. Don't even get me started on the candy, the biscuits or the bread.
I was shocked at the price of honey here, I found a massive jar of raw organic honey, the solid kind I can never find anywhere but the health food store for over $15 a small jar back home. It was only £2 and looks so tasty and creamy, it was the perfect honey, and they had tons of choices of it, they had multiple brands and jar sizes all not over £5. If anything I will move here for their honey. I couldn't justify buying any though, because it's big and heavy and I don't want to have to lug that around with me as well, and it would cost a ton to send it home because of how big it is.
They also have their eggs on the baking isle, and I know they don't have to be refrigerated, but it's still strange to see eggs just sitting on shelves, next to long lasting milk, whatever that means.
I walked up Brighton the 45 minute walk today. It was a nice walk along the beach and it wasn't busy until I made it to Brighton pier around noon, when everyone was getting lunch. I actually like where I'm staying not directly in the middle of Brighton, it makes it less busy and much more quiet. The weather isn't as bad today as it was yesterday but there is still a chilly breeze and I don't know how people were actually in the water, I half expected them to get hypothermia.
I was talking to another American and it turns out they are just as confused as I am about the greeting "are you alright?" We both stutter and come up with yes after a few seconds never knowing how exactly to respond no matter how many times it's asked. We both also decided there are no public drinking laws what so ever. I saw beer for sale at the train station yesterday, they have pubs lining the beach all with outside seating, and today when buying a sandwich, you get chips and a drink with it for £3, and wine was an option. It's mind blowing to see that when your used to it being so slickly hidden.
I've noticed that when I tell anyone I'm from New Mexico and I explain its by Texas, their next question is always about guns, whether I have one, or if I go shooting all the time.
I've also decided that foreigners, or Brits and Aussies in general are much more interested and fired up about American politics than Americans themselves.
I don't have plans for the rest of the day but I decided I'm going to enjoy staying here though it's not my favorite place I've been. Hove is almost like a small sea town with a big brother just walking distance away, and I like being on the quieter edge of things.
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